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Skimmed Milk Powder(SMP)

Skimmed milk powder, often referred to as skim milk powder or SMP, is a dairy product that is derived from cow’s milk. It is made by removing the fat content from fresh milk, leaving behind the non-fat portion in the form of a dry powder. Skimmed milk powder has several characteristics, uses, and nutritional benefits:

Skimmed milk powder is obtained by removing water from pasteurised skim milk by spray-drying. Skimmed milk powder is classified according to the heat treatment used in its manufacture (high heat, medium heat, and low heat)

Product Meta

Skimmed milk powder, often referred to as skim milk powder or SMP, is a dairy product that is derived from cow’s milk. It is made by removing the fat content from fresh milk, leaving behind the non-fat portion in the form of a dry powder. Skimmed milk powder has several characteristics, uses, and nutritional benefits:


S.No. Parameters Specifications Part I-Standard Grade
1 Description Product is free from hard lumps and extraneous matter
2 Flavour and Taste Pleasant and Clean
3 Colour Creamish
4 Moisture % max 4.0
5 Total Milk Solids % min 96.0
6 Insolubility Index, ml, max 1.5
7 Total Ash (Dry basis) % max. 8.2
8 Fat % max. 1.50
9 Acidity (as lactic acid) % by wt. max. 1.5
10 Total Plate Count, per gm max. 50,000
11 Coliform per 0.1 gm Absent



S.No. Parameters Specifications Part 2-Extra Grade
1 Description Product is free from hard lumps and extraneous matter
2 Flavour and Taste Pleasant and Clean
3 Colour Creamish
4 Moisture % max 3.5
5 Total Milk Solids % min 96.5
6 Insolubility Index, ml, max 0.5
7 Total Ash (Dry basis) % max. 8.2
8 Fat % max. 1.25
9 Acidity (as lactic acid) % by wt. max. 1.5
10 Scorched Particles (ADMI DISC) max 15 mg (B-Grade)
11 Total Plate Count, per gm, max. at 30°C 40,000
12 Coliform per 0.1 gm Absent
13 Salmonella / Shigella, per 25 gm Absent
14 S Aureus, per 0.1 gm Absent
15 E Coli / gm Absent
16 Listeria monocytogenes / 25 gm Absent



S.No. Parameters Specifications ADPI Extra Grade
1 Description Product is free from hard lumps and extraneous matter
2 Flavour and Taste Pleasant and Clean
3 Colour Creamish
4 Moisture % max 4.0
5 Total Milk Solids % min 96.0
6 Insolubility Index, ml, max 1.2
7 Total Ash (Dry basis) % max. 8.2
8 Fat % max. 1.25
9 Acidity (as lactic acid) % by wt. max. 1.5
10 Scorched Particles (ADMI DISC) max 15 mg (B-Grade)
11 Total Plate Count, per gm, max. at 30°C 10,000
12 Coliform per 0.1 gm Absent
13 Salmonella / Shigella, per 25 gm Absent
14 S Aureus, per 0.1 gm Absent
15 Listeria monocytogenes / 25 gm Absent


Production Process:

  1. Skimming: Fresh cow’s milk is heated to remove the fat content. This can be done by centrifugation, where the fat globules are separated from the milk, or by allowing the milk to naturally separate with gravity.
  2. Drying: The remaining liquid portion, which consists of water, milk proteins, lactose, vitamins, and minerals, is then dried to remove the moisture content. This results in a fine powder.


  • Low Fat: Skimmed milk powder contains less than 1% fat, making it an excellent choice for those looking to reduce their dietary fat intake.
  • Long Shelf Life: Due to its low moisture content, skimmed milk powder has a long shelf life and can be stored for an extended period without refrigeration.
  • Versatile: It is a versatile ingredient used in a wide range of food applications, including baking, cooking, and beverage production.

Nutritional Benefits:

  • Protein: Skimmed milk powder is a good source of protein, which is essential for muscle development, repair, and overall growth.
  • Calcium: It is rich in calcium, promoting strong bones and teeth.
  • Low in Calories: Skimmed milk powder is lower in calories compared to whole milk powder, making it suitable for those aiming to manage their calorie intake.
  • Low in Saturated Fat: With minimal fat content, skimmed milk powder is an excellent option for individuals concerned about saturated fat consumption.

Common Uses:

  • Baking: Skimmed milk powder is often used in baking recipes to enhance texture and moisture retention in baked goods like bread, cakes, and biscuits.
  • Cooking: It is used as an ingredient in various savory dishes such as soups, sauces, and casseroles, providing a creamy consistency without the added fat.
  • Beverages: Skimmed milk powder can be reconstituted with water to make skim milk for drinking. It is also used in coffee creamers and hot cocoa mixes.
  • Dietary Supplements: Skimmed milk powder is sometimes used as an ingredient in dietary supplements and protein powders.

In summary, skimmed milk powder is a dairy product derived from fresh cow’s milk by removing the fat and drying the remaining liquid. It is a versatile ingredient with numerous culinary applications, providing essential nutrients like protein and calcium while being low in fat and calories. Whether you’re looking to reduce fat intake, extend the shelf life of dairy, or enhance the texture of your recipes, skimmed milk powder is a valuable ingredient in both commercial food production and home cooking.


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